Campus Activities and Outreach

AstroClub2012-thumbI founded USF’s first Astronomy Club along with Kara Scanlon (USF physics major) in 2010, and am serving currently as the faculty representative. Along with planning regular meetings, I assist each year’s student Club President and other Club members with event planning. I also participate in campus events like the annual Involvement Fairs, Club fundraising, observation nights and field trips.

Some recent campus outreach activities and interdisciplinary presentations include:

– Panelist in campus event “Interfaith Inclusion” in Spring 2014, part of a 4-part series of campus conversations on the book Living the Mission released by USF in 2013. Presentation can be viewed HERE, scroll down to 4th talk.

– Moderator and discussion facilitator for a talk by Mark Mir (USF Ricci Institute) titled “Starry Nights in Old Beijing: the Jesuits and Chinese Astronomy” as part the Ricci Institute’s talk series Faith and Reason: the Jesuit Legacy in East-West Scientific Exchange, Fall 2013.

– Helped organize a talk by George Coyne, S. J., a prominent cosmologist from the Vatican Observatory, on the USF campus as part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy colloquium series in Fall 2010. Talk titled “The Dance of the Fertile Universe: Chance and Destiny Embrace” can be viewed HERE.

City and Community Outreach:

– Regular talks and speaking engagements for amateur astronomy societies/clubs and science museums in San Francisco and the Bay Area, 2006-present

– Regular presentations on astronomy topics and outreach in the pre-K and elementary school system in San Francisco, 2006-present

– Consultant for a play (2006-2008), The Kepler Project by San Francisco playwright Nina Wise on the life and work of Johannes Kepler. This has been widely performed, including recently at the California Academy of the Sciences. You can view clips at:

