Featured in nearly two dozen media/press articles since 2020 on the broad-ranging impacts of satellite megaconstellations on dark skies and use of near-Earth space, including: The Economist, VICE, Discover Magazine, Science, WIRED magazine, New Scientist, Nature, Undark Magazine, Scientific American, and Vox.
Co-Chair of the Community Engagement Working Group for the SATCON2 workshop, held July 2021. 5-min media briefing HERE
“Losing the Sky” event (with Brian Eno!), June 2021, with numerous space policy leaders and experts, hosted by Andy Lawrence (U. of Edinburgh) and the Royal Astronomical Society of Edinburgh
Honored HERE as one of Vice Media’s 2020 Humans of The Year
Featured on Public Radio International’s show Science Friday in July 2020 about space privatization, indigenous sky traditions and our human right to dark skies and space as a global commons. The 17-min interview is here – “Who Owns the Night Sky?”
Quoted in Nature in JAN. 2019 on the collaborative naming of the interstellar asteroid ‘Omuamua between Native Hawai’ians, the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center and the scientists working with facilities on Mauna Kea. Please also see the wonderful A Hua He Inoa initiative to bring indigenous voices/communities into dialogue with astronomers and telescope facilities on indigenous lands.
USF media release on my Near Field Cosmology research profiled in press conference at AAS 232, June 2018
Quoted in Gizmodo on the discovery of 13 billion-year-old oxygen and implications for the universe’s first stars, May 2018
Cosmos Magazine, on galactic archaeology providing clues on first stars, June 2018
– 2014, short piece in the French magazine Pour La Science: This was included as part of a longer article on the first stars in the universe by science writer Michael Lemonick that appeared in Scientific American. See PAGE 5 of the article attached HERE.
– 2009, Research profiled by, picked up by Yahoo News and other news sites: Interviewed by writer Andrea Thompson at on early results from an astrobiology collaboration with Dr. Lynn Rothschild (NASA-Ames). The feature article titled “Could Life Be 12 Billion Years Old?” is online HERE.
– 2006, Featured in “Chasing Hubble’s Shadows”: This book by science writer Jeff Kanipe includes multiple quotes from me on the masses and formation epochs of the first stars in the universe.
– 2004, Research profiled in US and international news: My research on the first stars’ mass function with Jason Tumlinson and Mike Shull was featured in more than two dozen US and international news publications and wires including Sky and Telescope, The Washington Times,,, et alia.). This also appeared in several regional and national newspapers in India, and was otherwise reprinted in multiple languages.
NOV. 2019: Panelist for a movie premiere, The Aeronauts, which won the Sloan Science in Cinema Prize
NOV. 2019: Placed #20 out of 750 entries in the Whole Life Soaps Haiku contest announced at the 2019 Wrightwood Literary Festival
Quoted in NBC Washington News and the International Business Times in JUNE 2019 on the significance of solstices to indigenous and ancient cultures
See the Women in Astronomy blog for my 2018 post on harassment in astronomy and astrophysics.
Our 2017 article “Perspectives on the Indigenous Worldviews in Informal Science Education Conference” by A. Venkatesan & A. Burgasser in The Physics Teacher is a featured part of the “Race and Physics Teaching” special collection (link HERE).
I was featured amongst USF’s Changemakers.
I am featured in several episodes of The Weather Channel’s show Strangest Weather on Earth, airing in the U.K. and the U.S. since 2015. Links to episodes covering topics from the Northern Lights to the Distorted Moon.can be found HERE at USF’s Changemakers profile on me.
– Here is my interview with Dr. Moira Gunn on Tech Nation (NPR) on the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for the discovery of the Higgs Boson.
– I am featured in the upcoming book Lighting the City, Changing the World: A History of the Sciences at the University of San Francisco, written by Alan Ziajka (associate vice provost for academic affairs and university historian at USF), to be published in October, 2014.
– 2011: Advertisement for USF that aired on television sports channels during USF Basketball Games. Translated into 10 languages. Youtube video HERE.
– 2002: Featured in article “An Indian Star in Astrophysics” in Madras Musings, a Chennai-based fortnightly magazine (Chennai, India). Also featured in the Talk of the Town column in the national newspaper The Hindu (Chennai, India), and in Women in Physics on International Women’s Day in the daily newspaper The Midday (Mumbai, India).